Restylane is a hyaluronic acid based dermal filler, similar to Juvéderm. It is used to volumize skin, for a noticeable lift of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds. Millions of men and women around the world enjoy smooth, natural-looking, youthful faces thanks to Restylane and Perlane, which is another excellent hyaluronic acid filler from the same manufacturer.
Restylane or Perlane injections are fast and comfortable, with little to no downtime involved. This is an excellent way to improve the appearance of:
- Laugh lines (nasolabial folds) from the corners of your mouth to your nose
- Marionette lines extending from the corners of your mouth down to your jaw
- Lipstick lines, between your nose and mouth
- Corners of your mouth, near the crease of your lips
Six seasons of youthful beauty
You can enjoy the beautiful results of Restylane treatment for up to a year and a half with just one follow-up session, using the Restylane Regimen. It is a clinically proven treatment plan that begins with an initial treatment to achieve full correction. A single follow-up is then scheduled at either 4.5 or 9 months. Usually, patients only need half as much Restylane at the follow-up as they needed during the initial treatment.
Restylane is the only injectable gel studied to last up to eighteen months! According to a clinical study, at least 95 percent of patients enjoyed results lasting up to 18 months when following the Restylane Regimen. Only 33 percent of those studied experienced adverse events, primarily swelling and bruising; none were serious.
A more comfortable lift
The Restylane family of gel fillers also includes Restylane-L, and Perlane-L, with the numbing medication lidocaine (0.3 percent). It is safe for most patients, though it is not recommended for individuals who are hypersensitive to local anesthetics of the amide type.
Time to turn back the clock
At DSA Dermatology, we offer Restylane and Perlane, along with other dermal fillers and complementary treatments such as Botox. For most people, the best results are achieved with a combination of products and procedures, to address individual needs. Our skilled physicians will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan to reveal your most beautiful, youthful self. Call us at (972) 362-9567 and schedule your consultation today.
Looking for a Lift?

Right now there’s some hair hope for the 35million and 21 million women dealing with hair loss. Many will spend money on shampoos, pills, lotions, potions, all in the hopes of holding onto there hair but the newest approach in laser therapy is a simple thing, it’s just wearing a hat. Lowe level laser light therapy has been around for years. Back in the 1960 ‘s researchers made an interesting discovery while investigating photo medicine for wound healing.
“There were some excellent studies done by Andre Mester back in on that time, in the 1960s that showed that low level laser therapy improve not only wound healing but also hair growth on the back of rats”. Decades later low level laser therapy is out of the lab and into the hands of hair loss patients. The latest advancement is a gadget called the laser cap. “ The laser cap is the simplest, easiest laser therapy device on the planet”.
A bendable circuit board fits inside any hat that can be worn just about anywhere. “So you can be outside watering the lawn, walking the dog, inside doing your emails in the Internet, be driving in your car and getting your hair growth treatment”.
Hair loss specialist Dr. Alan Balman says laser cap is less time consuming than in office treatment and is easier to use than previous hand held laser devices, which mean patients are more compliant. “ We are seeing the changes on the photography and the patients are doing very well with the treatments.
Willie Carnise started using the cap to support hair growth after undergoing a transplant. “I can see bits and pieces of it, I can see where hair wasn’t before but other people who have seen me in the past, say there’s a tremendous difference, I’m pretty happy about it”.
When Marsha Shildhorn noticed hair loss in the front of her head, she turned to the hair cap as an alternative to surgery. “the entire front of my hair regrew so, we have picture of before and after so, its hard to believe the difference, really amazing”.
Like any other hair loss treatment, the hair cap can’t work miracles Dr. Balan says if the follicles are no longer functioning and no amount of laser therapy will make new hair grow. However if you have functioning follicles, it may improve the quantity and the quality of your hair.
The laser cap will cost you 3000$, treatments with the laser hood would cost about 4000$ and at home hand held devices sell for between 300$-700$.
“I don’t have to go to the beauty shop like I used to, I did this myself so its giving a lot of body. I charge my laser in the mornings; I go in my bedroom, put my laser on. I’m glad it doesn’t make any noise and I watch my TV programmes for one hour and when I’m done, get up and take the laser off, put it in this little case and say good night. If I look young and feel young, then I’m young.”
– Laura 82
After I competed the treatments, I had a choice and I decided that I wanted to continue and the laser cap is presented to me. And I thought that, that would be the most convenient way to continue, since I can do that at home, in my own time, You can do it while watching television. Since it wont interfere with anything. I can do it every other day if I want to since I don’t have to work on my schedule to do that around and office schedule. And I don’t have to go out of the house to do it. Another benefit of using the laser cap is that my husband can use it. His hair is thinning and so that would be something that is convenient for him as well, we can share the cap. When I went to my hairdresser, she said what have you been doing to your hair. It looks so healthy, what have you been doing. And I know that she noticed and my husband noticed too. He said he could tell that I had fore hair and the same thing with the bangs. I really enjoy the way the cap is set up, its like a baseball cap that fits right over the top. When you put it on, it feels like you have a baseball cap on. When I use it most of the time, its when I wash my hair, usually in the morning. I put it on before I wash my hair. Usually at night, I use serum on my roots and then I put the cap on, then when I’m through I go wash my hair and my hair looks really good. Its very portable, you can plug it in every 3 or 4 nights and charge it up and this is all I carry. I have the cap on and I put this in my pocket and I can walk around. When I’m finish I put it in the carrying case and its safe. I can put it in the closet or drawer and take it out again. The nice thing about it is that, nobody can tell that I have anything under this cap. If somebody would come to the door and I wore it, they wouldn’t know”.
Connie (Retires Sales Professional) 68
Why Choose DSA Dermatology?
At DSA Dermatology, we bring to you the best of not one but three leading dermatologists in Plano TX,
At DSA Dermatology, we bring to you the best of not one but three leading dermatologists in Plano TX, Dr. Daniel S. Achtman, Dr. Carmine G. McConnell and Dr. Jordan. Achtman.
Dr. Achtman is a board-certified Dermatologist with over three decades of experience. Having graduated from the medical school of McMaster University, he also studied at the UTSW Medical Center in Dallas, TX where he also served in the Department of Dermatology. In addition to possessing extensive training and experience in cosmetic enhancement techniques, Dr. Achtman is widely known as a leading expert in the diagnosis and treatment of various skin cancers. He is an active member of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. Dr. Achtman goes the extra mile to understand your medical concerns and to ensure that he helps you meet your unique aesthetic goals.
Dr. Carmine G. McConnell is a board-certified physician in Plano TX. Having been trained at McMaster University, Canada, she went on to earn her board certification in Texas. Having served as Chief of Staff of her department at Plano Medical Center, she has over two decades of experience in practicing medicine in her practice and while assisting Dr. Achtman in the practice of dermatology. In addition to her extensive postgraduate training in laser therapy and aesthetic surgery, among other procedures, she possesses vast experience in both cosmetic dermatological techniques and family medicine. As a conscientious and caring physician, Dr. McConnell provides her patients with customized non-surgical treatments to help address health and aesthetic concerns related to the skin. She is also keen on helping patients understand their skin and how it can be cared for and protected.
Dr. Jordan Achtman is a board-certified dermatologist in DSA Dermatology at Plano, TX. Dr. J. Achtman graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia and completed his residency in dermatology at UT Southwestern. His expertise spans general, surgical, and cosmetic dermatology. Dr. J. Achtman also has various special interests including chronic itch, infectious diseases of the skin, and the relationship between mental health and skin health. He is also very keen on helping patients form healthy skincare regimens and habits. In the hands of Dr. J. Achtman, you can be assured of innovative and cutting edge solutions for all your skin concerns.