Cleaning your skin is something more than just doing what you should. It can actually change the way your skin looks, behaves, and reacts to anti-aging and acne products. You can make your skin brighter, softer, smoother, and more evenly colored. Finding the best cleanser for your skin type-such as acne prone, oily, dry, dull, blotchy, etc. is important. Let us help you pick the best solution for you.


Protecting the skin against the sun’s harmful rays should begin in childhood.
Did you know…

  • Skin cancers are increasing at an alarming rate and childhood sunburns contribute to this.
  • You only need to start with an SPF of 30 but not less. A producr offering a spf of a 100 is really not giving you double protection but just a few percent more.
  • Unless your sunscreen says “broad spectrum,” it is only protecting you against one type of UV ray.
  • UVA is as harmful as UVB, and goes through car and airplane windows and is still there to harm you on a cloudy day!
  • Chemical sunscreens decompose within 1-3 hours leaving you unprotected. Physical sunscreens (zinc oxide and titanium) can last most of the day unless you are swimming or sweating excessively.

Do you know the minimum concentration you need of zinc or titanium sunscreen to protect you? It should be a minimum of 5-7-20%. You can enjoy outdoor activities if you wear the proper sunscreen. Dsaderm sunscreen and elta has some of the strongest, non-irritating sunscreens available. Let us help you choose one you will love wearing everyday whether you have dry, oily, acne or rosacea problems.


By hydrating your skin, you are improving the moisture content and therefore allowing your skin to do its job better in protecting you from harmful sun rays and pollution and also allowing it to better repair itself. Not everyone needs a moisturizer, but most of us do as we mature. Hydrating the skin helps protect it and maintain a youthful appearance. Use of a good moisturizer can decrease wrinkles, inflammation, and improve anti-aging products and procedures. Come by and see if you are in need of a moisturizer. We will examine your skin, and help you determine what products should be included or left out of your regimen. A chemical spf of 15 in your moisturizer or makeup does very little for the health of your skin. Let us help you learn how to read labels and avoid false advertising.


About 90% of the aging skin we see is due to cumulative sun exposure. There are many products available to reverse or stop this damage. Do you know the best one for you? There is a seemingly endless list of options, including retinol to boost collagen, antioxidants to stop collagen destruction, peptides to reduce wrinkles like a liquid botox, growth factors to stimulate cells, etc. More ingredients or more expensive ingredients do not make a better product. Each decade demands a different strategy and we can help you understand what each product does, so you will be capable of designing your own anti-aging plan now and in the future and have the best-looking skin possible.


You have the power to change your skin. You can erase sun damage, wrinkles, scars, red and brown spots, coarseness, large pores, acne and acne scars. You can remove dullness by boosting collagen production, remove pigment, erase veins, eradicate precancerous cells, etc. Your skin can become tighter, firmer, less wrinkled, and achieve a youthful and healthy glow. Come in for a consultation to explore non-surgical technology that will help you achieve your goals.


As the face ages it can sag, but also fold, wrinkle, and even shrink and lose volume. Pulling skin tight with surgical means does not always produce natural results because it doesn’t consider these natural aging concepts. To help reduce frown lines and crow’s feet, Botox would be a perfect choice. Large folds around the nose and lips are easily corrected with fillers such as Juvéderm, Restylane. Thinning and wrinkling of and around the lip area can be corrected by fillers.

As with any procedure, it is important to choose a doctor with experience and an artistic ability. Dr. Achtman, Dr. McConnell, and Dr. Jordan Achtman create beautiful, natural results. People will make comments like “YOU LOOK GREAT” not “WHAT DID YOU DO?”

You have many options to look your best. Take the time to gain knowledge from professional, reliable, and experienced sources so you can make the wisest and most satisfying choices.

Schedule your appointment for a complimentary skin analysis and treatment plan by calling (972) 362-9567.