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Nov 04

(USA TODAY 9/11). A soaring number of doctors trained in non-related medical specialties are turning to cosmetic procedures. Unfortunately, the levels of training provided vary so widely, such as weekend courses that increasing numbers of poor or dangerous results are occurring.   PLEASE CHECK OUT YOUR COSMETIC DOCTORS TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE.

Nov 04

(Kings College London 8/11). Scientists hope to harness coral’s natural defense against sun damage and make it into a sunscreen pill for humans. It seems algae gives the coral a compound which it then modifies into a very potent sunscreen. The fish that feed on the coral also seem to benefit from the coral’s sunscreen, […]

Nov 04

(10/11. New York AAD Summer Session). Teenage girls who used tanning beds in the 1990′s are the cause behind the sharp increase in melanomas in young women aged 25-34 years old. The primary melanomas seen in these young women, “often occur where the sun doesn’t shine, but the tanning beds do.” It seems that there […]

Nov 04

(9/11 World News with Diane Sawyer-ABC). The dangers of tanning are well known, yet millions of people still expose their skin to sunlight. Now scientists think they know why. On ABC, a patient explains that even though she has been diagnosed with skin cancer five times, she still has dreams about tanning. She said that […]

Nov 04

(10/11. Archives of Dermatology). Your hairdresser may serve as your first line of defense against skin cancers by checking your scalp and other areas of your head for suspicious moles, which might otherwise go unnoticed. Up to 40% of the hair care professionals questioned said that they had looked at customers’ scalps for suspicious moles […]

Nov 04

(10/11. Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery). A mixture of platelets and fibrin that is extracted from one’s own blood and re-injected into the same donor for cosmetic purposes…dubbed the “vampire lift” was studied in a small group of people by re-injecting the mixture back into the arm. Analysis of the biopsied arm did show activated […]

Nov 04

(10/11. Daily Mail U.K.) Faddish fishy pedicures could spread diseases such as Hepatitis C and HIV. According to officials from the Health Protection Agency, this increasingly popular treatment puts users at risk. Although they concede the risk level is low, they emphasize that it is real.   This unique treatment features dozens of little fish […]

Nov 04

(11/11. Daily Mail U.K.) The concept of food acting as medicine is not new. There have been some anecdotal reports coming in from psoriasis sufferers who reported improvement in their condition after following a diet to reduce inflammation, which is suggested to decrease their disease’s pathology of over-producing skin cells. The diet consisted of oily […]

Oct 28

(Washington Times, New York Post, Journal of the American Academy of Medicine – 3/7/13) Dr. C. Adigun, with the New York University School of Medicine, warned that the fad of replacing nail polish with the quick-hardening gel manicure could result in skin cancer. The risk of skin cancer is due to the UV light that […]

Oct 22

(Pediatrics 2/25/13) Missouri has no tanning laws. It seems a majority of tanning salons there would allow children as young as the age of ten years to tan because there are no legal restrictions against doing so. Investigators at the Washington University of Medicine randomly selected 243 tanning salons in Missouri to study. 65 percent […]

Oct 04

Tumor formation was delayed and reduced with chemical peeling agents after exposure to ultraviolet (sun) radiation (Journal Dermatology Science 10/2010) Chemical Peels are popular procedures for the rejuvenation of sun-damaged skin. They can improve fine lines and brown spots on skin that is already at risk for skin cancers. Researchers investigated the effects of Peels […]

Jul 08

(Health Day 5/10). According to an AAD poll of 3,800 white females, aged 14-22, reported 43 percent of the young tanners were never warned about the dangers of tanning beds by salon employees. Three out of ten stated there were no warning labels on the equipment. *** HMMM, I THOUGHT SUCH PLACES WOULD HAVE LEGAL […]